Between A New Year

As I sit down to write this, there’s a pile of bacon and chocolate wrappers staring back at me. I bought a lot of bacon to start keto, fully committed to the idea of a clean slate. But then I thought, “I should probably get the Christmas chocolate out of the house first.” Now here I am, surrounded by the remnants of too much.

The truth is, everything has been in excess lately. My body feels like it needs a detox, not just from food but from the sheer overload of the season. It’s been too much family, too much stress, too many commitments. I feel stretched thin, like I’ve been operating in overdrive for weeks.

As the year comes to a close, I’m desperate to move forward. I’m clinging to the idea of the fresh start that January promises. Get me out of this, I think. But in my rush to move into the next, I realize I’m standing in a moment I’ve also longed for. This in-between space—the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another—is where growth happens. This is the sweet spot.

No matter how many years I have practiced being present to the between seasons I still want to flee from them. My husband reminded me yesterday that I typically travel during this time because it is really hard for me to sit still between Christmas and New Years. But that wasn’t in the cards this year so I am forced to sit in and sort through the mess and to really think about what I want this next year to look like. It’s the chance to pause, to lean in, to decide what I want to carry forward and what I’m ready to leave behind. It’s where I can prepare myself to step into something new with intention and purpose.

So, as I navigate these final days of the year, I’ve decided to ask myself a few key questions. Maybe they’ll resonate with you too, or inspire you to create your own.

1. What do I want to carry forward?

What are the positive lessons, habits, relationships, or achievements from this past year that I want to intentionally bring into the new year? I’m taking stock of the strengths and insights I’ve gained, asking myself how I can build on them to move forward with confidence.

2. What do I need to let go of or reframe?

What habits, beliefs, or emotions are holding me back? What no longer aligns with where I want to go? I’m giving myself permission to release the things that prevent me from stepping into the new year with clarity and freedom.

3. What do I want to step into in the year ahead?

What opportunities, goals, or changes inspire me? What aligns with my purpose? I’m visualizing the year ahead, preparing myself to welcome growth, creativity, and new possibilities.

These questions are my guide through the “in-between” of the New Year. I would love to hear from you about what questions you are asking too!




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